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COVID-19 and the Future of American Business

Part 6: Entrepreneurship

In collaboration with three amazingly talented thought leaders, Mary authored an exclusive white paper about the future of American Business. 

If you missed the first five sections, you can catch up HERE

Our final week brings us what's probably the most vital topic of all, entrepreneurship. How do we get past the challenges we face today?

The answer: thinking outside the box, dreaming of the future, analyzing everything.

2020 and 2021 will bring us back to our roots of entrepreneurship and force us to address our company's strategy, staff and the very product we sell. 

We need to think like this is day one of our business and get our employees on board. 

This is no time for stale ideas. 

Change is here to stay. Make that a good thing! 


Things you can use right now...

Did you see the Hopin experiment for online meetings? It's pretty cool. 

In the spirit of entrepreneurship, try the 5-Minute Mindset Optimization Plan.


Do you want your team to think more strategically about the future? 

Mary is a Certified Virtual Speaker (CVP) and a Hall of Fame Speaker.  She can deliver outstanding ideas, entertaining stories, and immediate takeaways virtually. 

Learn more or contact us to hold a date for your meeting. 



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