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7 Leadership Tips to Improve Your Business

Are you a fair boss? Do you care? Do they trust you?

I know the answer is yes. 

But your employees may not be seeing it.

Your job is to care about the people that give you their time. If they don't see that, they will quickly stop working. This leads to trouble.  

Trust, care and communication are three factors that equal a healthy business. 

Read today's article to learn about the other four factors and assess the strength of your team.


Things you can use right now...

Mary shared some succession secrets on the Coaching for Potential Podcast.

Looking for more leadership guidance? Try the 5-Minute Leadership Plan.


Do you want your team to think more strategically about the future? 

Mary is a Certified Virtual Speaker (CVP) and a Hall of Fame Speaker.  She can deliver outstanding ideas, entertaining stories, and immediate takeaways virtually. 

Learn more or contact us to hold a date for your meeting. 


Watch and share!  CDR Mary Kelly and COL Lee Ellis discuss military perspectives in developing a resilient mindset.


(719) 357-7360   |

Productive Leaders | 4823 Ridgeside, Dallas, TX 75244