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It is normal for many people to doubt themselves. If you have feelings of self-doubt, you’re in good company. 

Doubting yourself creates a host of unfavorable scenarios and prevents you from reaching your full potential. It holds you back. Many opportunities may pass you by because you feel as though you don’t deserve them, you are not qualified enough, or that you’re lacking in some way.

Self-doubt is especially prevalent in the presence of peers. It’s easy for others on your level academically or professionally to challenge your self-belief – just by being there! You might feel like they’re ahead of you, even though you’re on the same level. It’s important to realize that you’re just as deserving as anybody else. Stop comparing yourself to others.

5 Minutes Per Week – 52 Weeks to a Better Business

With Less Stress, Happier Teams, and More Productivity Leaders and business professionals need quick solutions for common challenges. The 5-Minute Business and Leadership  Success Plans make tough situations easy. Use these templates to move your organization forward!

“I didn’t realize I needed “5 Minutes Per Week: 52 Weeks to a Better Business: With Less Stress, Happier Teams, and More Productivity” as much as I did until I started working through it. If you are self-employed you need this book! If you are a small business you need this book…. so many great insights in it you can use right away.” 

Mark Hunter, "The Sales Hunter"


Did you ever wonder how the armed forces deal with these challenges in tough situations?

Retired Navy Commander, Dr. Mary C. Kelly lets you in on the top secrets of the military and how they can turn your team around.

Mary will give you the information to:

  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of those around you
  • Learn to work together to set and surpass goals
  • Conquer the obstacles that are poisonous to a productive workplace
  • Communicate with each generation, personality, and background

Book Mary for your organization's virtual or in-person event HERE
Strategize one-on-one with Mary HERE

“Mary Kelly was a great choice to be our opening keynote speaker at HBMA 2019 this year. Her energy is infectious and got everyone excited for both her content and the conference as a whole. In the world of conference planning, it is always wonderful to find a speaker who is excited to spend time with your members before and after her 60-minute presentation.” 
Lindsey Sullivan, Education Manager, 

Healthcare Business Management Association (HBMA)



(719) 357-7360   |

Productive Leaders | 4823 Ridgeside, Dallas, TX 75244